Introductory WAC Seminars for TAs
The Center regularly offers WAC introductory seminars for UIUC teaching assistants. Two seminars are held for TAs: a two-day seminar in August and a two-day seminar in January, both held just before classes start.
Participants receive a small stipend for attending. Calls for seminar nominations typically go out in late fall and early summer of each year. If you are interested in attending a WAC introductory seminar, please contact the CWS staff at
In Fall 2024, the WAC TA Seminar will be held online on August 21 & 22, 2024 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm CT. Faculty and staff can nominate TAs to participate through July 22. Teaching Assistants can register directly through August 5.
WAC Seminars for Faculty
Periodically, the Center offers WAC seminars for faculty and/or TAs. These half-day seminars are opportunities for participants to discuss their implementation of WAC approaches, share any changes they’ve made to their teaching, and expand on topics raised in previous WAC seminars.
Recent WAC Workshops
The Center offers campus-wide workshops on topics such as teaching ESL writers and source use, citation, and plagiarism. We also collaborate with departments to develop specialized workshops. To arrange a workshop for your program or department, please contact Peter Mortensen.
Examples of recent, specialized WAC workshops include:
- Multimodal Pedagogy Workshop (July 2022 & 2021)
- Alternative Assessment & Ungrading (October 2021)
- Supporting Communicative Diversity Across the Curriculum (March 2020)
- Responding to Student Writing for Physics 280 TAs (January 2020)