Transdisciplinary Writing Studies Conference List

This list, linked here as a Google Doc, exists as a resource for those in and adjacent to the field of writing studies. The conferences presented in this list span multiple disciplines and might be of interest to scholars, researchers, and teachers working in a wide range of contexts. Though neither comprehensive nor endorsed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Center for Writing Studies (CWS), this list represents one attempt at articulating a potential vision of the field of writing studies.

This list is maintained by CWS graduate students who update it a few times per semester. The conferences presented are listed alphabetically, and each is tagged with hashtags. These hashtags, though not exhaustive, can be used as a findable search tool within this document either topically (i.e., communication) or geographically (i.e., international). Given that CWS is located in central Illinois, "local" conferences signal events on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, "regional" conferences constitute events in and around the American Midwest, and ""international" conferences refer to events held outside of the U.S.

While COVID-19 has made it difficult to somewhat difficult to maintain frequent date and location changes, we’ve done our best to indicate whether or not the conferences listed below will be held online. Please, though, check with each conference’s website and/or organizers for the most detailed, up-to-date information.

If you have questions, concerns, any access requests, and/or feel as if there are any oversights in this document, please contact us at Feel free to circulate this resource widely and use as you see fit.