Social Justice Education Symposium
Maisha Winn and Mariana Souto-Manning
November 4, 2017
Recordings of all of these events can be accessed on our CWS Mediaspace page. Please contact us if you don't have UIUC log-in credentials (required to access Mediaspace), and we can be in touch with you for alternative forms of access.
Tabling and Refreshments: 10.00a-10.40a
Circulate the room and familiarize yourself with the work of fellow attendees including: the Education Justice Project, Urbana Adult Education, GEO's Solidarity Committee, Unit 4 Social Justice Educators’ Collaborative, CWS Social Justice Praxis Working Group, Inclusive Pedagogy Reading Group, Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations (OIIR), the University YMCA, and UIUC's Dept. of Education
Keynote: Maisha Winn, Paradigm-Shifting for Justice in Education: Four Pedagogical Stances: 10.45a-12.00p
The purpose of this talk is to offer a conceptual mapping for restorative and transformative justice work in classroom and school communities with a focus on four pedagogical stances for equity-oriented educators.
Bio: Maisha Winn is UC Davis Chancellor's Leadership Professor, and Co-Director of Transformative Justice in Education (TJE)
Keynote: Mariana Souto-Manning, Reading, Writing, and Talk: Inclusive Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners: 1.00p-2.15p
Featuring classrooms where racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse children's experiences, unique strengths, and expertise are supported and valued, this presentation engages participants in learning about a variety of inclusive strategies for teaching language and literacy in kindergarten through 2nd grade.
Bio: Mariana Souto-Manning is Teachers’ College Columbia University associate professor and Director of Quality Universally Inclusive Early Responsive Education (QUIERE)
Panel of Local Educators: 2.30p-4.35p
Below are brief descriptions for local educator panel presenters
GEO Solidarity Committee, Solidarity: Meaning, Actions and Challenges
The Solidarity Committee of the Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO) will introduce their work in the context of the role of labor unions in social justice movements followed by a discussion on what solidarity means, what forms it can take and what challenges affect solidarity building.
Dr. Carolyn Randolph, PhD; Cultivating Social Justice Using the Media
Using the Champaign County Community Justice Digital Portal and C2 Media Literacy Program as case studies, Dr. Randolph discusses her work at the intersection of black feminist thought, media, and technology.
Bert Stabler; The Education Justice Project (EJP) and the Community Anti-Violence Education (CAVE) Program
EJP is a unit of the University’s College of Education that has been teaching classes at a nearby state prison since 2008. This presentation will discuss CAVE, a project initiated by students at the prison in 2010 to help curb neighborhood violence in Chicago and beyond.
Nathan Stephens, Bruce Nesbit African American Cultural Center Director; The BNAACC and the African Diaspora
This presentation will touch briefly upon the history of the BNAACC and its intended purpose, goals, programs, and services. Additionally, it will touch upon the intracultural diversity and intersectionality that exists within the African Diaspora or ‘Black community.’
Closing Discussion: 4.35p-5.00p
We will wrap up together by reflecting on the day and considering applications for individual contexts moving forward.