- The Center for Writing Studies is pleased to invite graduate students from across campus to apply to teach INFO/WRIT 303 Writing Across Media!
Writing Across Media (WAM) is an upper-division multimodal composition course in Writing Studies and Informatics that meets the Advanced Composition requirement. The course approaches writing as a multimodal practice, and students explore different ways...
- 2024-03-05 - Professor Romeo García, University of Utah: Archives and (Decolonizing) Archival Impressions in Times of Modern/Colonial Technologies With recent interest in delinking from and decolonizing Eurocentrism, this talk considers how a rhetorical, technological, and decolonial-centered analysis might afford more comprehensive versions of...
- 2024-03-05 - PROGRAM IN PDF CURRENT CWS FACULTY, POSTDOCS, AND GRADUATE STUDENTS Wednesday, April 3 Wednesday, Apr 03, 2024 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM PDT. ...
- 2024-03-05 - Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention April 3–6, 2024, Spokane, Washington See separate listing of faculty, postdoc, graduate student, and alumni participation. American...
- 2024-03-04 - Books Katherine S. Flowers (PhD 2017), Making English Official: Writing and Resisting Local Language Policy.Cambridge University Press, January 2024, https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/making-english-official/E034515406DC368A0BBE7C4C6F8CB572...
- 2024-02-13 - Wednesday, February 14, 3:30–4:00 pm LLS INVITED LECTURE Professor Aja Y. Martinez, University of North Texas, “A Latinx (his)Story Worth Sharing: Richard Delgado and the Makings of a Chicano Legend” Location: Department of Latina/Latino Studies (1207 W. Oregon St., Urbana), Room 103 Details: https://calendars.illinois...
- We celebrate with Dr. María Carvajal Regidor (PhD, 2021), whose dissertation, “‘I’ll Find a Way to Make My Voice Heard’: Transformational Literacies of Latinx Students,” is a winner of the Conference on College Composition and Communication’s 2022 James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award. CCCC Chair Dr. Holly Hassel announced the award on March 11 at the organization’s annual...