Contact Information
3054 Foreign Languages Building
Mailing address:
Department of Linguistics
4080 Foreign Languages Building, MC-168
707 S. Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Dr. Randall Sadler is a Professor of Linguistics and Director of the Illinois English as a Second Language (ESL) and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Programs. where he teaches courses on technology-infused language teaching, virtual worlds and language learning the teaching of L2 reading and writing, and an introduction to Second Language Acquisition. His main research area is on the role of technology in language learning, with a particular focus on how Telecollaboration, VirtualWorlds, and Virtual Reality may be used to enhance that process. He has published in these areas in journals including the Journal of English for Academic Purposes, CALICOJournal, ReCALL, Language Learning & Technology, Computers& Education, ELT, and in numerous edited volumes. His latest book, Virtual Worlds, Telecollaboration, and Language Learning: From Theory to Practice is published by Peter Lang. He is also the co-owner of the EduNation Islands, which are located in the Virtual World of Second Life, where he may often be found in the guise of his avatar Randall Renoir.
Courses Taught
EIL 445: Teaching Second Language Reading & Writing
EIL 587: Technology-Infused Language Teaching
LING 489: Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, Linguistics
Director, MATESL/ESL Programs, Linguistics
Professor, European Union Center
Professor, Center for Global Studies
Professor, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
External Links
Recent Publications
Thrasher, T., Sadler, R., & Dooly, M. (2024). Collecting ‘real’ data in Virtual Reality (VR) settings: Best practices. In K. Sadeghi (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Technological Advances in Researching Language Learning (pp. 27-39). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003459088-4
Cirit-Işlkllgil, N. C., Sadler, R. W., & Arlca-Akkök, E. (2023). Communication strategy use of EFL learners in videoconferencing, virtual world and face-to-face environments. ReCALL, 35(1), 122-138. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0958344022000210
Dooly, M., Thrasher, T., & Sadler, R. (2023). “Whoa! Incredible!:” Language Learning Experiences in Virtual Reality. RELC Journal, 54(2), 321-339. https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882231167610
Sadler, R., & Thrasher, T. (2023). XR: Crossing Reality to Enhance Language Learning. CALICO Journal, 40(1), i-xi. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.25517
Sadler, R. W., & Dooly, M. (2022). Telecollaboration. In N. Ziegler, & M. González-Lloret (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Technology (pp. 245-257). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351117586-22