
Book cover of Patrick Berry's "Doing Time, Writing Lives: Refiguring Literacy and Higher Education in Prison." The cover features a close-up image of a prison chain-link fence fading into blue sky.

Patrick W. Berry, Doing Time, Writing Lives: Refiguring Literacy and Higher Education in Prison (2017)






Book cover of Steven Frailberg's "Inventing the World Grant University: Chinese International Students’ Mobilities, Literacies, and Identities." On the cover, there is an image of a man bisected by the book spine, whose bare chest is covered in Chinese characters and the English words "fobby" and "party."

Steven Fraiberg, Inventing the World Grant University: Chinese International Students’ Mobilities, Literacies, and Identities (with Ziqiao Wang and Xiaoye You, 2017)






Book cover of Steve Lamos' "Interests and Opportunities: Race, Racism, and University Writing Instruction in the Post-Civil Rights Era." The cover features a person opening double doors, letting in light on a dark cobblestone road.

Steve Lamos, Interests and Opportunities: Race, Racism, and University Writing Instruction in the Post-Civil Rights Era (2011)






Olson Constitutive
Olson American Magnitude

Christa J. Olson, Constitutive Visions: Indigeneity and Commonplaces of National Identity in Republican Ecuador (2016) and American Magnitude: Hemispheric Vision and Public Feeling in the United States (2021)





Owens Writing Childbirth

Kim Hensley Owens, Writing Childbirth: Women’s Rhetorical Agency in Labor and Online (2015)






Lunsford Effects of Intellectual Property Law

Karen J. Lunsford and James P. Purdy, The Effects of Intellectual Property Law in Writing Studies: Ethics, Sponsors, and Academic Knowledge-Making (2020)






Shipka Toward Composition

Jody Shipka, Toward a Composition Made Whole (2011)






Stone Listening

Jonathan Stone, Listening to the Lomax Archive: The Sonic Rhetorics of African American Folksong in the 1930s (2021)






Wan Producing Good Citizens

Amy J. Wan, Producing Good Citizens: Literacy Training in Anxious Times (2014)